Kit an' Kin is a culinary studio celebrating The Caribbean through
food and storytelling.

Kit an' Kin means friends & family
It is our home to honor Caribbean cuisine & culture with art, community, and 'nuff good eats...
Feast with the family!
meet Anya
Hailing from the islands of Trinidad and Jamaica, Newark based culinary artist, Anya Peters formed her practice by collecting oral histories of her mother, father, grandmother, and others interested in sharing their memories of food and family. Kit an’ Kin became a vessel for those stories of home articulated through elaborate feasts, yaad style parties, and short films created throughout the country and Caribbean.
Currently, Anya is writing and illustrating a series of art cookbooks highlighting the Caribbean region’s most famous dishes. Anya recently completed the mangrove parsons fellowship exchange where she engaged in a year long community design project in FLatbush, Brooklyn, organizing free dinners, recording oral histories on caribbean foodways and creating a monthly artisan market with free programming for the entire family. She offers private chef services, catering, pop ups, and cooking classes through her studio, Kit an' Kin.